Extract from the ‘Commercial Appendix’ to ‘Southwold & Neighbourhood’, published in 1903

Messrs. DEBNEY & Son, Southwold

…To the right, as one enters the shop, is the Grocery Department, and also the Wine and Spirit Order Room, the former being very fully stocked with almost every known article of household requirement, of the highest quality and representative of the best known manufacturing, importing and wholesale houses, whose names are household words in the trade. In the basement, too, are large reserves of choice provisions, canned goods, fruits, cheeses, &c., all neatly arranged and ready to hand at a moment’s notice. Here also is to be found the spacious wine cellar, and peeping out amongst the many varied items of high-class wines and spirits, will be noticed many bottles bearing the familiar labels of Jules Mumm, Perrier Jouet, Pommery, Moet and other well-known brands of champagne. Mineral waters of all kinds are also, of course, stocked.

Let us now turn to the other side of the entrance floor, to admire for just a moment the general Drapery Department, with its selections of heavy Manchester goods – sheetings, calicoes &c., of every kind and at almost every price. Dress fabrics to meet all the latest fashions, serges, cretonnes, curtains – and goodness knows what beside, in every conceivable shade and colouring – are here in plenty ; and there is also a fine display of Axminster, Wilton and Brussels carpeting, in all the newest designs, to say nothing of Unions, Kidderminsters, linoleums, Cork carpet and oil cloths.

Still on the ground floor, we come to the Hosiery Department, where a large trade is done in gentlemen’s shirts, collars, ties and sundries ; and then, upstairs, we find a great variety of Christy’s hats, caps etc., whilst adjoining is the Dress Department, consisting of mantles, furs, ladies’ waterproofs, trimmings, corsets and goods far too numerous to mention in detail. This floor is about seventy-two feet long, and also provides space for the fine display in the Millinery Room.

There is a Dress-making Room, 36 feet by 21 feet, electrically lighted, and a convenient fitting room, making, in all, a thoroughly complete and most desirable arrangement of departments. We have already said that each branch of the business is admirably arranged ; we may add that the management is equally excellent and thorough. The assistants appear to be most courteous and obliging and we understand that every detail of the very varied business has the personal and experienced attention of one or other of the partners.

But there are one or two features yet to be mentioned before exhausting our limited space. Messrs. Debney & Sons find their services in very frequent requisition as Funeral Furnishers, and in this they are fully deserving the confidence of their patrons. They take entire responsibility, and have even conducted interments from many parts of the Continent and America. The services of the firm have been secured by both the aristocracy and nobility, many highly gratifying testimonials having been from time to time received.

The firm, too, act as licensed Valuers, House and Insurance Agents, and the utmost confidence may be placed in their professional acumen and experience in these directions, as in all other branches of business to which they have turned their attention.